Patterned brass heart with Swarovski crystal choker
Sterling Silver and Copper Ginkgo Leaf
Copper Ginkgo Leaf Necklace
Flame Painted Copper Half-Circle Necklace with Serpentine Stone
Blue Goldstone and Lapis Copper Half Circle Necklace
Sterling Silver Sand Dollar
Galaxy Jasper and Sterling Silver Necklace
Brass, Copper and Sterling silver Fire Skull
Foldformed Copper Rectangle Necklace with Aventurine Cab, Nephrite and Agate Bea
Sterling Silver Heart with (created) Blue Sapphire
Sterling Silver Cracked Skull
Sterling Silver Starfish Necklace with Freshwater Pearls
Foldformed Copper Leaf with Citrine Stone
Sterling Silver Peace Symbol with Red Swarovski Crystal
Silver Lightning Bolt on Patterned Copper Necklace
Sterling Silver Hawaiian Fish Hook
Copper Hawaiian Fish Hook
Sterling Silver Tribal Fish Hook
Copper Tribal Fish Hook Necklace
Sterling Silver Floral Necklace